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Why Trust Seal is Important for your E-commerce Store?

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As a veteran eCommerce website administrator, you would have recognized the multiple issues that develop from the consumer's viewpoint if they believe in something other than your website. It all hinges on the reliability of your business in the virtual environment, particularly concerning monetary transactions.

You must have worked hard on your eCommerce site for months, if not years. It looks fantastic, works well, and you're about to begin generating revenue. But wait—there are more steps you must complete before you can start enjoying the rewards of your efforts: incorporate trust seals or trust badges on your site. According to studies, over 60% of clients do not spend since no trust badges are displayed on the website.

So, what is a trust seal? What's the importance of trust in e-commerce? You require trust badges to enhance credibility and revenue on your website. As you're willing to know more about trust badges or seals, here is everything mentioned and the reasons for having a trust seal on your eCommerce site. Let's get started!

What Are Trust Badges?

Trust badges are graphic indicators confirming a site's safety and trustworthiness. They usually include the industry's emblem as the seal and a short phrase authenticating the site's validity.

Visitors may use trust badges to ensure that their financial and private information is secure within you and your company is authentic.

Numerous organizations issue these seals, including web security suppliers, payment platforms, and consumer review platforms.

Many of these organizations provide complimentary trust seals to website owners who satisfy certain requirements, such as holding an Encrypted connection or being PCI certified.

A trust badge can demonstrate the following:

  • Your eCommerce store has successfully met specific criteria.
  • Customers have approved your company.
  • You implement regulations or provide assurances that safeguard customers.
  • A third-party with credibility has validated your site.
  • Your website has been verified reliable and devoid of spyware or viruses that might harm customers.

Why Are Trust Seals Important?

Trust seals are important since they increase customer loyalty to your site and company. In today's digital age, ensuring that your eCommerce website is secure and dependable has become more important than ever. Therefore, these badges are one of the greatest methods to accomplish so.

According to a survey by Actual Insights, trust seals help a brand appear more credible to 75% of individuals. Furthermore, 61% of participants said they did not complete a transaction since the website lacked trust marks.

Simply put, they assist customers to internet stores in making buying decisions. Trust seals are crucial for small firms. Smaller, less established businesses may have a more difficult time establishing confidence with potential clients.

The present situation is that smaller companies benefit more from utilizing a trust badge. In reality, the trust seals account for 20% or more of their conversions. As a result, the evidence found that trust marks are important.

How to Use Trust Seals on Your e-commerce website

Few ways are there to utilize trust seals on your eCommerce site to boost conversion rates:

  • Incorporate trust seals into the website homepage

Individuals who visit your website make hasty judgments based on their initial impression. It hardly takes 1/10th of a second for a customer to establish a first perception of your website; therefore, you would really have to present your brightest image. Including trust badges on your eCommerce site's homepage makes it appear more sophisticated and trustworthy to visitors, and having a trust seal is crucial for e-commerce website security.

Using a noticeable but unobtrusive safety emblem would be crucial on your site's homepage. Moreover, you want people to notice the badge, but you shouldn't allow it to overshadow other key features. On the other hand, trust badges that are consistent with your site's general style and appearance have a higher conversion rate.

  • Include Payment Trust Seals on Your eCommerce Website's Footer

It includes an approved payment trust emblem in your eCommerce website footer informs users that you process specific forms of payment and follow their regulatory standards. Customers like a range of alternatives and, in general, choose payment services with a brand image, such as MasterCard, Visa, or PayPal. Including approved payment badges gives your eCommerce website a better feeling of credibility and helps the buyer feel more at ease.

What is the Impact of Trust Seals

Do trust icons aid you in boosting conversions or revenues? Indeed, they do! Customers are highly inclined to purchase a product from an eCommerce website they can count on.

In a poll by Econsultancy/Toluna, 48% of respondents claimed that trust badges are the most important aspect in determining whether a webpage is reliable, followed by the site's appearance and business recognition.

This clearly shows that businesses that exhibit trust emblems are significantly more reputable than those that do not.

Why does an ecommerce website need Trust Seal?

Multiple investigations on the influence of trust seals have been conducted. So it has been seen Moz's research that lists two businesses, Studio Archetype/Sapient and Cheskin Research, doing e-commerce trust investigations back in 1999. Nevertheless, there is agreement that trust marks are vital for e-commerce companies.

According to a TNS study done in April 2005 (through Comodo Group, Inc.), the majority of web customers understand what a trust seal represents. Likewise, 88% of American internet buyers considered trust marks to be crucial for websites.

In contrast, 79% of respondents of buyers anticipated encountering a seal on a website's landing page. Furthermore, about 70% of online customers cancelled their orders because they did not "trust" the website.

Types of Trust Seals

Now that you understand why trust badges are important let's have a glance at some of the different types:

1. Security

A security trust seal is a primary type to consider. These seals demonstrate that your site is encrypted, and that users' private data is safeguarded.

As an example:

SSL certificate safeguards information transmitted between your business and your users' browsers. SSL cert reduces the chances of data spying activities. Users should check the secured padlock in the browser before they visit or shop from the site. As far as the SSL certificate is concerned, you can utilize different types of SSL certs like domain validation, organization validation or wildcard SSL Certificate for your eCommerce site.

2. Privacy

A confidentiality trust seal is the second type of trust seal. These badges demonstrate that your business values users' security and will keep their private information secure.

As an example:

Privacy Policies:

It is a statutory document describing how you gather, utilize, and safeguard your customers' personal details. If your eCommerce site has a privacy statement, you may show a trust seal to let followers know that their data is safe with you.

3. Commercial

A corporate trust seal is the third form of trust seal. It demonstrates that your company is authentic and that you are a trustworthy source for the items or products you provide.

Here is an example:


Has your company received any reward lately? If yes, you may demonstrate the appropriate trust badges on your site. It will assist you in boosting reliability and display you as a credible source.

4. Money-back Guarantee Trust Badges

This is one of the best trust badges demonstrating you provide a cash-back guarantee on your services. It assists in boosting customer confidence and driving more revenues.

Here is an example:

Cash-back assurance:

The importance of e-commerce security lies in money-back assurance, which means you may refund your customers if they're not contented. Therefore, demonstrating a trust badge on your eCommerce site will assure your customers that they will get their cash back in case they're despondent of your product.

5. Satisfaction Guarantee Trust Seals

Such trust seal showcases that you provide contentment assurance on your service or offerings. It aids in increasing customer reliance and will accelerate sales.

Here's an example:

Gratification Assurance:

It guarantees to refund or replaces a consumer's acquirement in case they aren't contented. Therefore, a trust seal is required for unsatisfied visitors and customers to put their faith in your site to receive their replacement.

Which Trust Badges Should you use for an eCommerce website?

Choosing a trust seal is the most significant criterion. Therefore, before purchasing one, you must consider the website type, the service or product you're offering to your customers, and your target audience.

A cash-back guarantee trust badge will be your biggest consideration when your eCommerce business is related to products. It provides a complete guarantee that your customers will acquire their cash back in case they're disappointed with the buying.


To summarize, trust badges are crucial to set up credence throughout your site. Moreover, it's one of the most significant factors in increasing sales and revenues. A simple tip would be to include testimonials, reviews along with the trust badge for improved credibility. That's where the importance of trust in e-commerce lies! Lastly, your visitors will easily contact you through your site when you have a trust badge.

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