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Best Digital Tools for small business | Top 10 products for a small business owner | Ideta

What’s a Rich Text element?

The rich text element allows you to create and format headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, images, and video all in one place instead of having to add and format them individually. Just double-click and easily create content.

Static and dynamic content editing

A rich text element can be used with static or dynamic content. For static content, just drop it into any page and begin editing. For dynamic content, add a rich text field to any collection and then connect a rich text element to that field in the settings panel. Voila!

How to customize formatting for each rich text

Headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, figures, images, and figure captions can all be styled after a class is added to the rich text element using the "When inside of" nested selector system.

As a small business owner, the day can’t have enough hours. Keeping up with the amount of e-mails you receive, all the administrative tasks, meeting clients, drafting offers - there’s always a ton of work. But the good news is – there are a lot of digital tools for small business to have. These tools will make the difference in the work-life organization! New technology is everywhere, and it also allowed the development of these incredibly helpful tools.

1. Chatbots

The most annoying tasks in daily business are repetitive tasks, doing the same thing all over again, or answering the same questions all over again, especially in a field with a lot of customer contact. Many employees wish there would be some kind of solution, to free them from those rather annoying tasks. And there is one! Chatbots that conduct conversations with customers, are able to answer questions and give them further information about the things they’re interested in. Especially questions, that are known to be asked quite frequently, are perfect to put into a chatbot.

You can deploy your chatbot on your website and other channels to make sure your company provides the information whenever and wherever your customers are. Chatbot as a digital tool for small business in quite easy to build. With the Ideta Chatbot you can build your chatbot with no code and personalize its design.

Build your chatbot by yourself with Ideta (no code)
How to build your chatbot easily with Ideta

2. CRM

CRM is digital tool for small business that can allow you to make the difference from the competition. This kind of system provides businesses a central storage location for all kind of information about customers. From there it’s possible to track, manage and measure all contact points of customer relationships and outreach.

CRM an important digital tool for small business
Source: Unsplash

It can even tell you who is receiving, opening or reading your e-mails or visiting the company’s website. Furthermore, those systems analyse the data they gather to offer you regular checks of the different customer relationships and give suggestions about next steps of engagement.

3. CMS

As a system that makes it possible to create, manage, and optimise your customers digital experience, CMS also belongs to these top 10. It allows users to collaborate in the creation, editing, and production of digital content: web pages, blog posts, etc. Additionally, a CMS is very helpful in managing content, making design changes easily, and it’s easy to use for people who are non-technically minded.

4. An accounting Tool

Just like other tools, an accounting tool takes work, that can easily be automated, away from your employees, who are then able to do more complicated work. A tool like that can track your income and expenses, create invoices and expense claims, organize receipts, and generate documentation required for your tax returns. Xero is an accounting software, easy to use, that may fit in the digital tool for small business top 10.

5. A payroll tool

A good payroll tool can help you carry out your pay run with greater speed, efficiency and confidence. This kind of tool can work out payroll calculations and deductions quicker, generate accurate payslips, calculate bonuses, expenses, holiday pay, and much more, with minimum effort, and it reduces the risk of non-compliance.
If you operate in Texas, consider leveraging a specialized Paycheck Calculator tool for precise payroll management.

For those who are looking to further enhance their payroll process, you may want to explore options for AP Solutions by DataServ. With the integration of such solutions, the automation and accuracy of your entire accounts payable process can be significantly improved, adding another layer of efficiency to your business operations.

6. An emailing tool

E-mail marketing gets more and more important. With emailing tools it’s quick and easy to keep your email subscribers up to date on the latest events in your business and any special offers or promotions your company is running. Many of those tools let you auto-generate a regular newsletter to your social networks, which means, you don’t have to make them on your own. Amazing!

7. A project management tool

This kind of tool is great if you’re trying to juggle multiple projects at once. It allows you to track your activities, appointments and deadlines digitally, and also it can automatically create reminders for upcoming tasks and events with all the important details of them included. These reminders can also be sent to concerned team members so that they know what is expected from them precisely, and when it is expected. Such names as Trello or may come in mind! but you can find many other digital tool for small business which can suit your projet organization.

8. A HR management tool (employee management tool)

To hire a human resources administrator is expensive, many companies can’t afford to have a full- or even part-time employee do that. So this tool comes in handy – it takes care of everything from payroll and shift scheduling to distributing important company announcements. Also, working with a tool like that eliminates all the annoying paperwork.

9. A website monitoring tool

Every company needs a good website, that’s absolutely inevitable nowadays. In most websites, much time and effort has been invested, and it cost a certain amount of money. All to make it as attractive and user-friendly as possible. But just as important is also that you know who is using your website and which parts of the site are enjoying the most and least traffic. Here, a website monitoring tool comes in handy – it gives you all these insights to make the necessary adjustments and improvements. Ubersuggest and Semrush are perfect for this purpose.

website monitoring

10. A data backup tool

It happens so fast – you accidentally delete your SaaS application data, because in the hurry of a workday, you click on a wrong button. Also, software conflicts or malicious actors can cause major disruptions. A backup software, a data backup tool, gives you full control over your critical business data and immediate access to it. If anything is to happen, you can restore your business data in a few clicks.

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